Commom (11) class style bind 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 <input class ="is-danger my-button" style ="border: none; color: blue" /> <input [ ]="booleanProp" [style.border ]="borderProp" /> <input [ngClass ]="{'is-danger': booleanProp, 'myButton': true}" /> <input [ngClass ]="isDangerButton" /> <input [ngStyle ]="{'border': borderProp, 'color': colorProp}" /> <input [ngStyle ]="hasColorBorder" />
精通 Angular 之 NgClass 和 NgStyle
angularJs 中关于 ng-class 的三种使用方式说明
Angular - Attribute 繫結、類別繫結和樣式繫結
ngFor 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 *ngFor=" let item of items; let idx = index; let first = first; let last = last; let even = even; let odd = odd"
使用 NgFor 時,我們可以同時搭配使用五個不同的變數,分別是:
index:整數值;代表目前資料在陣列中的 index
first:布林值;代表目前資料是否為 第一筆
last:布林值;代表目前資料是否為 最後一筆
even:布林值;代表目前資料的 index 是否為 第偶數筆
odd:布林值;代表目前資料的 index 是否為 第奇數筆
ngIf 會直接看 DOM 不見,而 [hidden]
的這個寫法只會讓 dom 看不見
1 2 3 <div *ngIf ="false" > test</div > <div [hidden ]="true" > <!- [style.display]="!isLoading ? 'block' : 'none'" ->
的 組合技
1 2 3 4 5 <div *ngIf ="display; else anotherWord" > Hello</div > <ng-template #anotherWord > <div > World</div > </ng-template > <button (click )="display = !display" > Toggle Display</button >
一定要引用 import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
> imports: [FormsModule]
綁定方法1 使用 [()]
1 2 3 <input [(ngModel )]="username" > <p > Hello {{username}}!</p >
綁定方法2 將 []
1 2 3 <input [ngModel ]="username" (ngModelChange )="username = $event" > <p > Hello {{username}}!</p >
綁定方法3 不使用 ngModel
1 2 3 <input [value ]="username" (input )="username = $" > <p > Hello {{username}}!</p >
ngMode 底層說明l
[Angular 深入淺出三十天] Day 09 - Angular 小學堂(二) - iT 邦幫忙::一起幫忙解決難題,拯救 IT 人的一天
NgPlural NgPluraCase 1 2 3 4 5 <some-element [ngPlural ]="value" > <ng-template ngPluralCase ="=0" > there is nothing</ng-template > <ng-template ngPluralCase ="=1" > there is one</ng-template > <ng-template ngPluralCase ="few" > there are a few</ng-template > </some-element >
NgSwitch NgSwitchCase NgSwitchDefault 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 // homepage.component.html <ng-container *ngFor ="let link of links" > <div [ngSwitch ]="link?.name" > <div *ngSwitchCase ="'HOME'" style ="color: blue" > {{link?.name}}</div > <div *ngSwitchCase ="'ABOUT US'" style ="color:red" > {{link?.name}}</div > <div *ngSwitchCase ="'Students'" style ="color: green" > {{link?.name}}</div > <div *ngSwitchCase ="'Teachers'" style ="color:violet" > {{link?.name}}</div > <div *ngSwitchDefault > output2</div > </div > </ng-container >
Router (4) 參考 router page
angular api
upgrade/static (1) customer directive 建立一個客制化的 directive
1 $ ng g directive [NEW_DIRECTIVE]
下列是一個監聽 input event 來改變數值寫法
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 import { Directive, ElementRef, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core' ;import { NgControl } from '@angular/forms' ;@Directive ({ selector : '[appOnlyNumber]' })export class OnlyNumberDirective { @Input () includeFloat: boolean = false ; @Input () floatLength: number = -1 ; constructor (private el: ElementRef, private control: NgControl ) {} private run ( ) { let element = this .el.nativeElement as HTMLInputElement; let re = this .includeFloat ? /[^\d.]/g : /[^\d]/g ; const overTwoDots = element.value.split('' ).filter((item ) => item === '.' ).length > 1 ; if (overTwoDots) { const newValue = element.value.split('' ).slice(0 , -1 ).join('' ); this .control.control.setValue(newValue); return ; } const newValue = element.value.replace(re, '' ); this .control.control.setValue(newValue); } @HostListener ('input' , ['$event' ]) onInput ( ) { this .run(); } ngOnDestroy(): void { window .removeEventListener('input' , this .onInput.bind(this )); } }
Other how to add image in assets in angular 1 2 3 <img [src ]="imageSrc" [alt ]="imageAlt" /> <img src ="{{imageSrc}}" alt ="{{imageAlt}}" />
1 2 3 4 export class sample Component implements OnInit { imageSrc = 'assets/images/iphone.png' imageAlt = 'iPhone' }